4 Quotes & Sayings By Lisa C Temple

Lisa C. Temple is a stay-at-home mom of four children, a wife, and a proud member of the proud. Her husband was diagnosed with cancer in 2008, and she has been sharing her own story of cancer survival ever since. She is a busy stay-at-home mom, but she finds time to write because it makes her feel better about herself Read more

Lisa loves to write funny short stories about funny short people. She also enjoys writing "chick lit" novels about happy, normal people who have normal problems.

If the only tool in Willem's arsenal was a silent supplication to an absent almighty, then I might as well be sitting next to a raving radical ready to die for the promise of seventy-two virgins and a couple of camels. Lisa C. Temple
Lochedus couldn't help feeling a little proud of himself, though he knew pride to be a slippery slope. He felt he was holding his own in the verbal sparring match with Beladona - not an easy thing to do. Lisa C. Temple
Gracie, you are exactly where you are supposed to be and everything is going to be all right. Willem Lisa C. Temple